What is Seekers of the Sacred Seasons (SotSS)?

SotSS is a sacred membership circle dedicated to healing at deep levels.  It is said that as we heal ourselves, we are also healing 7 generations back and 7 generations forward.  Our world is in a critical place, and we have all come here to heal on a personal level, and as a collective. SotSS is dedicated to doing this in a deeply loving and compassionate way.  We use tools from traditions such as Toltec, Shamans (from all over the world), Sikhs, Sanskrit, Pagans, ancient New Age, Metaphysics, and various other practices around the globe.

We acknowledge that there are different traditions that fill Mama Gaia (aka Mother Earth), and we honor all that are pure and cause no harm to Human Beings or other living creatures. We do not value any tradition as better than another, as all paths lead to Creator.  Many of the practices and tools that I will share come from my own teachers who I’ve learned from over the past decade and a half.

Who should join Seekers of the Sacred Seasons membership circle?

SotSS is for individuals (aka Seekers) who are open-minded, and want to deepen their Spiritual knowledge and practices.  Seekers crave a community of compassion, authenticity, and love.  Seekers are also deeply curious about learning and experiencing the magic that lies with all of the tools available to us.  Seekers are also interested in deepening their own natural gifts like intuition, energetic healing practices, and connection to the Natural and Spiritual world.  

What will I get from joining Seekers of the Sacred Seasons?

  • A community of likeminded people who are also doing their own inner work and seeking deeper Spiritual connections.
  • Access to Spiritual practices and tools that have been used all over the world by ancients (shamans, ancestors, mystics, curanderos and others), pagans and other Earth-based Spiritual teachers.
  • A safe, non-judgmental place to ask questions about tools and practices, and share your experiences. We navigate Spirituality in a positive way.
  • Monthly calls and recordings including:  New Moon, Full Moon, Monthly check in call 
  • Quarterly calls honoring the shifts in seasons
  • New tools each month that include meditations, journal practices, hands-on practical tools that help you deepen your practice and stay steady during difficult times.
  • Learn how to leverage your Spiritual strength, inner knowing and natural abilities to do inner healing, access wisdom, and become the best version of YOU!
  • 4 Agreements practices along with frequent ways to check in with our integrity to the practice
  • Bonus material – access to many classes that I have taught, meditations, art work, and more
  • First dibs and discounts to classes and retreats (online and in person)

When will new teachings be posted?

New teaching will be posted by the 3rd of each month. To find the new teachings simply log into the membership site and click on the Teaching link.

How long will the teaching stay on the site?

The teaching will remain on the site for at least a year. This is designed to be a library of teachings.

Are any of the calls open to non-members?

Yes. For now, new moon and full moon circles are open to non-members. All other calls and materials are only available to Seekers.

What’s with the butterfly logo?

All animals honor the seasons that they go through, and the butterfly has clear stages that it must endure before it becomes a butterfly.  Oddly enough, it does not complain or try to skip a single season; it goes through it with grace and commitment.  We as humans can learn to honor the seasons in our lives and take in the rich lessons that each season brings. 

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