“What you are seeking is also seeking you.” ~Rumi

Welcome to Seekers of the Sacred Seasons

Welcome to Seekers of the Sacred Seasons (SotSS)!  We are so glad that you stopped by. We have all come to this planet at this time for a reason.  Reasons much greater than ourselves.  As we do our own inner healing we are priming the rest of the collective for greater healing.  Many cultures say that as we heal ourselves, we heal 7 generations forward AND 7 generations back.  It’s not too late to help offer love and compassion to the wounds of years past, and who doesn’t want a better world for our kids, their kids, and generations to come?

We were all born as whole, complete, and Divine Beings, but somewhere along the way we are taught to see ourselves as separate, wounded, not enough and the list goes on.  SotSS welcomes those interested in healing, learning, and deepening their Spiritual practices to help heal themselves and become the best versions of themselves.  Seekers are welcome to explore, remember, and lean into the Seasons of life to connect with their own true Divinity.  

Seekers of the Sacred Seasons is a community of heart-centered seekers who want to: 

  • Experiment with various practices and tools
  • Have a safe place where you are supported and celebrated in your practice with the Divine
  • Learn from others who are also deepening their Spiritual connection and practices
  • Meet and learn to trust your true Self through intuition, Self-love, and deep connection.

Do you need a community of fellow seekers where you can be welcomed and unconditionally loved and accepted? 

Seekers of the Sacred Seasons is designed for seekers who need a safe space to be honest and open about their questions and experiences. SotSS is an online membership circle that includes: 

  • Each month there will be a tool (practice, divination tool, journeys) presented that can introduce you to ways of connecting with the Divine. 
  • Access to previous courses that help you deepen your spiritual awareness and practice.
  • Monthly new moon, full moon circles that will help you stay in integrity with your intentions, manifestations, and commitment to you.
  • Library to mediations, visualizations, and artistic relaxation outlets.
  • Teachings and applied practice on fundamental Spiritual tools and practices.

Hi, I am Adelee (pronounced like “a deli” sandwich 🙂 ).  I have been on a Spiritual journey since I was a young girl, often not even knowing it.  I have also explored various religions and have decided that I don’t necessarily want to follow an organized religion, but I deeply believe in the sacred Creator of All that is.  If I had to call myself anything, I would call myself spiritual, and I do identify as a Toltec (read the long version for more info). In my current Spiritual practice, I use the directions, elements, season, moon cycles, connections with angels, ancestors, and Divine Deities.  I know if I keep seeking, I will inevitably find more and deeper connections! I believe all of this has a connection to our Creator, as do we – if we stay present and listen deeply.

Aside from being a consultant in a non-profit children’s hospital, I am a Spiritual Awareness and Empowerment Coach and teacher. I help people liberate themselves from religious dogma. I assist my clients and students in seeking to find who they are at their spiritual core.  Clients who work with me have a safe place to come to explore, ask questions, receive tools, and build their own spiritual practices.  As a result, clients who work with me find that they become more grounded, intuitive, and at ease within themselves and with their gifts.

I am also a certified firewalk instructor, ICF accredited coach, and I teach in the Warrior Goddess Training Circle.  I take great joy in watching others develop their spiritual gifts and heal at deep levels.

Have you always known that there is something deeper to connect with but just may not really know where to start or how to go deeper with that connection?  Do you want to deepen your relationship with the sacred and need guidance on what and how to explore? 

Why should I become a Seeker of the Sacred Seasons?

Seasons happen so subtly that sometimes we miss them altogether and we miss out on the blessings, miracles and beauty that seasons have to offer.  We often see the changing of the meteorological seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter), yet there are so many more seasons to be explored.  Some of those include the sacred seasons of our own bodies, or the phases of the moon, and the natural cycles found in nature. Becoming a Seeker will help you learn to recognize, honor, and draw from the sacred well of power that all the subtle seasons offer.

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